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Parenting is a process that prepares your child for independence. As your child grows and develops, there are many things you can do to help your child. These links will help you learn more about your child's development, positive parenting, safety, and health at each stage of your child's life.


Sports are a crucial part of a student's growth and development. They help in the development of mental health and physical fitness of the body. Through participation in sports and games, a student gains various skills, experience and confidence that are helpful for developing their personality.

Spiritual Health

Spiritual health includes a purposeful life, transcendence and actualization of different dimensions and capacities of human beings. Spiritual health creates a balance between physical, psychological and social aspects of human life.

Physical Fitness

Physical Fitness is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities. Physical Fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition, moderate-vigorous physical exercise, and sufficient rest..

Showing posts with label foodandnutrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foodandnutrition. Show all posts

Friday, July 16, 2021

Best Weight Loss Hacks Helps You To Reduce Your Body Fat

Losing weight doesn’t have to feel like punishment. Try these hacks which helped Rachel Hosie get leaner and healthier — and stay that way.

Losing weight is simple, but it’s not easy. Ultimately, it comes down to being in an energy deficit (taking in less energy ie. fewer calories than you expend), but this needn’t be a painful experience.

If the process of losing weight feels like punishment, chances are you’ll end up regaining any weight you lose. The secret is to make small tweaks and develop a sustainable way of living that you can effortlessly transition into maintenance.

Two years ago, I began a six-month weight loss phase in which I lost 35 pounds by working on my overeating habits and my relationship with food. Prior to that, I’d tried all sorts of different unsustainable diets, and my weight had yo-yoed massively as a result.

Since losing the bulk of my weight, I’ve continued working on my healthy habits, and as a result have stayed the same size, going from around 30% body fat in December 2017 to around 17% at my last scan in September 2020. I’m very happy gaining a little weight by enjoying, say, the holiday period or a vacation, because I know how to slim back down afterward if I want to.

When it comes to losing weight, you’re almost definitely going to experience a little hunger, at least at the start as your body adjusts. But it needn’t be horrendous.

We’re all different, and what works for me may not be what works for you. But I’ve learned that there are certain hacks that make losing weight easier, which I employ when I want to shed a few pounds while still enjoying my life.

1. Focus on high-volume foods

Greek yogurt and a bagel thin is one of my favorite weight-loss breakfasts.
Greek yogurt and a bagel thin is one of my favorite weight-loss breakfasts. Photo: Rachel Hosie

If you, like me, are someone who just really likes eating, the prospect of cutting your portion sizes down probably does not appeal. A great way to combat, this, however, is to focus on high-volume foods, and by that I mean foods that take up a lot of physical space but are low in calories.

Some of my favorites are fat-free Greek yogurt, low-calorie ice creams (around 320 for a whole tub), broccoli, and strawberries. There’s no need to eat these specific foods if you don’t enjoy them — I for one don’t much care for watermelon or celery, despite them being high volume.

There are lots of other foods that take up a lot of space on your plate or in your bowl, so you get to eat a lot and feel satiated without consuming lots of calories, as registered dietitian Shena Jaramillo explained to Livestrong.

2. Don’t drink water during a meal

I drink a lot of water around my meals, but not actually during, so I chew my food properly. Photo: Rachel Hosie

Eating slowly is generally considered good weight loss advice: You tend to eat more mindfully, thus savoring your food more, and feeling more satisfied as a result. It also gives your body time to realize it’s full.

For some people, sipping water between mouthfuls may make them slow down, but for me, it did the opposite: I wasn’t chewing my food properly, and was literally washing it down with water.

I drink more water than the average person over the course of the day (often when we think we’re hungry we’re actually dehydrated), and always drink a glass both before and after a meal, but no longer during.

Make sure you drink lots of water overall though, as this has been proven to help with weight loss.

3. Eat with alternating hands

Eggs, turkey bacon and avocado toast is a go-to meal.
Eggs, turkey bacon and avocado toast is a go-to meal. Photo: Rachel Hosie

This is another technique that forces you to eat more slowly. As a right-hander, doing anything with my left hand is hard. So I simply switch my fork from one hand to the other between mouthfuls.

There are some foods with which this doesn’t really work, and sure, if I were in a restaurant I probably wouldn’t do this as it looks a bit odd, but at home, it’s a useful tactic to, again, encourage me to eat slowly and mindfully.

4. Make barely noticeable food swaps

Turkey sausages are lower calorie than pork, and I genuinely enjoy them.
Turkey sausages are lower calorie than pork, and I genuinely enjoy them. Photo: Rachel Hosie

I do not believe in cutting any food out of your diet, and if you want your diet to be sustainable, it needs to include all the foods you love in moderation.

That said, there are some calorie-saving swaps I enjoy that are barely noticeable (unlike replacing spaghetti with zoodles).

For example, some calorie-saving foods I enjoy are bagel thins, powdered peanut butter, and turkey sausages. I genuinely love eating them but I do still enjoy the more energy-dense versions from time to time too.

5. Prioritize protein

Porridge is a great breakfast, but adding some protein powder will keep you fuller.
Porridge is a great breakfast, but adding some protein powder will keep you fuller. Photo: Rachel Hosie

It’s important to keep your protein levels up for a variety of reasons: Firstly, it’ll help your muscles repair after exercising and help your body hold on to muscle while burning fat in a calorie deficit.

Secondly, protein keeps you full, and this is scientific fact. On days where I feel the need to snack endlessly, it’s often because I haven’t eaten enough protein. Fitness, nutrition, and fat loss professionals typically recommend aiming for 1.6–2.2g per pound of body weight.

It’s also true that protein, compared to fats and carbs, uses up more calories to digest (known as the thermic effect of food), but the effect of this isn’t huge.

6. Incorporate grown-up alcohol alternatives

You can get non-alcoholic Aperol spritz-style cocktails these days.
You can get non-alcoholic Aperol spritz-style cocktails these days. Photo: Rachel Hosie

The sad truth is that alcohol is not the dieter’s friend. It’s high in calories, and tends to lead to eating more while drinking as well as the next day.

Much like with food though, if you enjoy a drink, you don’t have to cut alcohol out completely.

When I really want to focus on my health and fitness, I do limit my booze intake though, and I’ve found no-alcohol alternatives really helpful. I don’t mean sodas and soft drinks, but the new breed of “grown-up” botanical drinks, the best of which really do taste a lot like their boozy counterpart.

7. Note down your daily wins, not fails

The author Rachel Hosie.
Your success will be largely down to working on your mind as much as your body. Photo: Rachel Hosie

Making lasting change requires working on your mind as much as your body.

One strategy which has really helped me is, before going to bed every night, writing down at least three health “wins” from the day.

That could be surpassing my step goal, eating five portions of vegetables, or stopping eating when I’m full and putting the rest of the pizza in the fridge. This strategy was particularly useful on days where I felt like I’d failed and gone completely off-track.

You’re not striving for perfection — aim for 80% consistency. For your mental health if nothing else (and if you want to keep your social life), you need to be able to indulge and relax from time to time without it sending you into a spiral of despair, guilt, and wanting to give up.

8. Take progress photos

Before and after my main weight loss phase two years ago.
Before and after my main weight loss phase two years ago. PhotoRachel Hosie

Progress photos (as well as key measurements like your waist circumference) are the best way to see how far you’ve come — and are really satisfying.

For many people, the scales are triggering, and the number shown can vary so much depending on where a woman is in her cycle, whether you ate a big and/or salty meal recently, the time of day, and more.

If you can truly detach any emotions from the scale and see the number purely as data, you can try weighing yourself every morning then taking an average every week (bearing in mind that even then there will be ups and downs). But if not, it’s better to check in monthly, taking progress photos and perhaps weighing yourself once a month to see the general trajectory.

Remember: You’re not looking for a quick fix. Commit to the long haul. It may take time, but if it leaves you happy and healthy with a lifestyle you enjoy, it’s worth it.

For more great stories, visit Insider’s homepage.

Why Most Women Are Using Green Smoothies To Lose Weight, Boost Energy, And Look Years Younger


TOP 5 Reasons More Women Are Using Green Smoothies To Lose Weight, Boost Energy, And Look Years Younger

Written by Drew S., CHC, AADP, Certified Health Coach

It seems life just keeps moving faster and faster these days. As a woman, you juggle so many different tasks and responsibilities, it sometimes seems unending. You manage your family, work, errands, school, social responsibilities and so much more. When you are taking care of everyone else and on the go all the time, taking care of your body and maintaining a healthy diet often falls to the wayside.

You rush about to meet the demands of your life each day. Who has time to cook healthy, well-balanced meals every day when you are juggling all that? Unfortunately, the ‘quick and easy’ food choices are often the worst options for your body, but they are so convenient when you’re on the run. Couple that with all the stress, and extra weight shows up all too easily. What’s worse is that all the nutrition advice out there gets overwhelming and confusing, so most people have no idea how to eat healthy and lose weight.

The great news is that just about everyone who drinks green smoothies loses weight. In fact, most people who follow my Smoothie Diet Weight Loss Program report up to 3-8 pounds weight loss in their first week!

1. Green Smoothies for Weight Loss:

A major benefit of Green Smoothies is weight loss. Keep in mind, not all smoothies are created equal however. Some are very healthy while others, not so much. A proper green smoothie for weight loss includes lots of leafy greens and other vegetables, whole fruits such as a banana or apple, and water. Avoid adding dairy, such as milk or yogurt, as these add unnecessary fats and calories, and can irritate your digestive system.

One major weight loss guideline is to increase your intake of vegetables, healthy fiber and fruits. Green smoothies offer a quick and convenient method for this AND they are super quick and easy to make. Just throw everything in a blender for a few seconds, pour it in a travel cup and you are ready to go. The fiber helps you feel full, reducing the urge for unhealthy snacks between meals.

Mother Of 2 Loses Over 70 Lbs By Drinking Green Smoothies

Watch Her Video Here

Healthy Meal Replacement

If you make it right, your smoothie is a perfect meal replacement. To do this, you need to add healthy fats and plant based proteins, which helps you feel full and get the nutrients your body needs with fewer calories. Click here for some helpful guidelines and recipes for boosters to turn your green smoothie into a healthy meal replacement option that will help you shed those extra pounds.

Detox Your Body

The fruits and vegetables alkalinize your system, cleansing toxins from your organs and blood. As your body releases toxins, you not only feel better, but you’re your organs run at optimum level. Your body processes and digests more effectively. You absorb nutrients better, helping you feel more satisfied and reduce cravings.

Feel More Energized!

Adding the right nutrients into your body while releasing toxins will give you a serious energy booth. You feel better. More energy also boosts your metabolism so you burn more calories. With all the responsibilities you juggle every day, won’t it be great to have the energy to manage it all and still have some left over for fun? You can play with the kids, have some fun with your spouse, or add in some quality time for yourself.

Boost Your Self Confidence

What? How is a smoothie going to do that? Well, first, you are making a conscious choice to do something good for you. It is a decision you can feel good about. Instead of grabbing something quick that you know is bad for you and is going to make you feel icky, you can make a quick smoothy and drink it on the go, knowing you are nourishing yourself by putting healthy food into your body. Second, as your body releases all the toxins it’s been storing up, you feel better in your body. And, of course, as you drop excess weight, you will feel better about yourself and your body. It’s an all-around win-win.

2. Beautiful skin, hair and nails:

Antioxidants are natures magic pill for bringing out your natural beauty. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants. This, combined with the detoxification benefits of green smoothies leads to clear, glowing skin, stronger nails and lustrous, healthy hair. They help reduce or eliminate eczema and other skin conditions.

3. Anti-Aging:

You not only get clearer skin, but the nutrients in green smoothies also help boost production of collagen, creating firmer, younger looking skin. Apples, strawberries and oranges are great choices to add to your smoothie for this. Do you ever buy those super expensive anti-aging lotions with CoQ10? Try a green smoothie instead! It’s cheaper and you know exactly what is in it. Q10 is a naturally occurring coenzyme that helps your skin stay firm and smooth. As you age, the Q10 in your body decreases. Green smoothies are a great source of these anti-aging enzymes.

4. Chronic Disease Prevention:

You do all this running around for a reason. You love your family and you want to take care of them. More than anything, you want to be around to enjoy them as you get older.

Green smoothies not only provide the energy to manage all the responsibilities and stress, but also help prevent chronic disease. Proper nutrition and diet is one of the best measures for preventing heart disease, cancer, diabetes and many other health conditions. Green smoothies are a wonderful source of these life-saving antioxidants and nutrients. They also support the body’s natural cleansing and detoxification processes, helping you release toxins and decrease health risks.

5. Improved Digestion And Gut Health:

All that fiber is great for clearing out your digestive tract. This alone has wonderful health benefits as your health starts in your gut. A clear and healthy digestive tract brings less bloating, reduced weight, improved toxin elimination, stronger immune system, increased mental clarity, and more energy.

Ready To Get Healthy And Lose Some Serious Weight Fast?

Adding healthy green smoothies into your diet is a quick and easy, all-natural way for busy women to improve their health and lose weight. There are lots of delicious recipes that are quick and easy to make and won’t break the bank. Whether you are just trying to lose the last 5-10 lbs or you want to lose 30 lbs or more, I encourage you to watch this FREE video presentation and try my Smoothie Diet Program to see how effective detox smoothies for weight loss can be.

Keto Diet - Best Detailed Beginner's Guide to Keto

Keto Diet: What is a Ketogenic Diet?

keto diet guide

Keto is everywhere; it's the new buzzword, the new favorite among those looking to shed pounds, and the new hate victim of the food-pyramid-spouting-eat-your-whole grains mainstream medical industry. The keto diet, while it is not the magic cure-all for every single disease on the planet, does a pretty dang good job at being the potential causer of healing many horrible conditions. So let's cut through the science, separate fact from fiction, and look at the

Keto Diet Benefits

 Recently, the keto diet has become extremely popular for its health benefits such as weight loss and preventing disease. The keto diet can be hugely beneficial, but how does it work to provide these benefits?

 What is the Keto Diet?

 You may have heard of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate Atkins diet. The keto diet keeps carbohydrate levels low, but instead of ramping up the amount of protein in your diet, the keto diet increases the amount of fat. A typical keto diet aims for meals with 75% fat, 20% protein, and 5% carbohydrate. Eating a high-fat diet can still mean eating healthy. Keto diet menu items often include seafood, meat, dairy products, eggs, vegetables, and nuts. With the increased popularity of the keto diet, keto recipes are widely available.

How Does the Keto Diet Work?

 It might seem counterintuitive that adding more fat to your diet can lead to weight loss. Normally, your diet is high in carbohydrates, which are broken down into glucose, or blood sugar, for use as energy. As glucose enters your bloodstream, your body releases insulin to store excess glucose as fat. The more carbohydrates, the more glucose. The more glucose, the more insulin, and the more insulin, the more fat.

The keto diet takes advantage of the fact that when your meals are high-fat and low-carbohydrate, there is no insulin spike, and you don't add to your fat reserves. Instead, fat from diet and stored fat are broken down to ketones ("keto" is short for "ketogenic" producing ketones). Like glucose, ketones can be used for energy, keeping your body running without increasing blood sugar or putting on excess fat. The benefits of the keto diet can be huge.

keto diet guide

The Benefits of Keto Diet 

Benefit #1: Weight Loss

Okay, so this one isn't so astounding, but it is one of the most common reasons people embark on the keto diet. So why is weight loss usually so easy on the ketogenic diet instead of other regular diets? For all of the following reasons:

   The keto diet is composed of approximately 75% fat, 20 % protein, and 5% or less carbohydrates. The high fat content and lack of sugar means diminished cravings, lack of blood sugar swings and binges, and increased satiation. Increased satiation=eating less. Many people also have food sensitivities to grains, even gluten-free ones, so eliminating them may lead to an increased ability to absorb minerals like magnesium and potassium, which in turn means your body is more nourished and you have fewer cravings

    Ketones. When your blood sugar is running low, your body turns to its glycogen stores for energy. Typically glycogen stores house about 2000 calories of "backup" energy for when you run out of glucose. Like the intelligent machine it is, your body depletes the glycogen stores and then turns to your own body fat for fuel.

IMPORTANT: The ketogenic diet is not a free-for-all eat however much cheese or super low-carb fat bomb treats you want diet. If you are eating way more calories than you need, you will not lose weight. So focus on keeping your diet around fatty cuts of grass-fed meat, butter, eggs, avocados, lots of green veggies and cruciferous, and be modest with the keto desserts, dairy, and sweets.

Benefit #2:Mental Performance 

The ketones produced from a low carb diet are a much more efficient source of energy than glucose. Studies have indicated that they can improve cognitive impairment and even help with diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. The high-fat diet helps to support the balance of essential omega 3s and omega 6s which are vital for optimal brain function. Additionally, ketosis is able to boost mitochondria production and adenosine triphosphate within the brain's memory cells, thereby improving mental performance and clarity.  

Benefit #3:Reduced risk of Chronic Disease 

 A ketogenic diet can boost the body's defense against a variety of conditions. By reducing inflammation, and improving mitochondrial function, it can help to mitigate the risk of developing several chronic diseases. Cancer cells typically possess abnormal mitochondria, which need an increased supply of glycogen. Ketosis allows for normal cells to be fed while starving the cancer cells, as they are unable to utilize the ketones for energy because of their dysfunctional mitochondria.  

 Benefit #4:Improved Blood Pressure 

 High blood pressure significantly increases the risk of several diseases and is a leading cause of deaths worldwide. A low-carb diet has been proven to be more effective than a low-fat diet in reducing blood pressure. In fact, some claim that it is just as effective as taking pills. This combined with the weight loss derived from a ketogenic diet, is sure to vastly improve cardiovascular health and function.  

 It has been proven by numerous studies in the realm of nutrition science, that this form of dieting can have a very positive impact on your overall health and bodily function. As long as you can find a way to maintain the discipline, the rewards are abundant. For those that have not been able to gain many results from traditional methods, the keto approach is definitely something worth considering.  

Custom Keto Diet

Benefit #5:Reduced Blood Sugar and Insulin

 Since carbohydrate intake is limited, blood sugar and insulin levels are lowered. This is particularly important for people with type 2 diabetes, which causes a buildup of glucose in the bloodstream. The keto diet can be used to reduce or eliminate the need for diabetic insulin injections.

Benefit #6:Reduced Triglycerides

 Fat subunit molecules called triglycerides normally circulate in your bloodstream. High levels of triglycerides are a significant risk factor in the development of heart disease. In the keto diet, because fat is being burned for energy, the number of triglyceride molecules in the bloodstream decreases, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Benefit #7:Improved Cholesterol

 "Bad" (LDL) cholesterol is another risk factor for heart disease. Too much bad cholesterol in your bloodstream builds up in your arteries, narrowing them and causing atherosclerosis, a type of heart disease. The keto diet reduces bad cholesterol levels while increasing the level of "good" (HDL) cholesterol in your body.

Benefit #8:Brain Function

A poorly functioning brain, as you may have already experienced, leads to lessened work productivity, which in turn means an unhappy boss, lack of job satisfaction, sugar cravings for energy, and depression. It's a horrible domino effect. The original ketogenic diet was formulated by Dr. Russell Wilder in the early 20th century to treat epilepsy. The success rate was phenomenal and it is still used today to treat epilepsy and other brain disorders. Research also indicates that ketones are more efficient brain fuel than glucose. (Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5102124/)

Benefit #9:Potential Cancer Benefits

One study showed implementing the ketogenic diet led to a dramatically increased survival time and slower tumor growth. (Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5450454/)


The keto diet provides many health benefits. This diet can not only help you quickly lose weight, but can also improve your overall health and help prevent disease.


If you're reading this article now, chances are you are in some sort of pain, whether physical and/or mental (being overweight, struggling with autoimmune disorders, thyroid disease, fatigue, brain fog) and want to change. Use this information, don't just skim through it and store it in the back of your brain and say "that's nice for some people", motivate yourself to change.





 Custom Keto Diet

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

How To Naturally Cure Nail Fungus? Images of What It Looks Like & Treatment Tips Home Remedies

How To Naturally Cure Nail Fungus?

Nail fungus affects many adults and sometimes requires long-term treatment. However, natural and effective solutions do exist.


1.Toenail Fungus: What Is It? 

2.Natural Nail Fungus Treatments

3.Essential Oils Against Nail Fungus

4.Treatment Of Nail Fungus: Acting On The Body


Some Tips To Avoid Nail Fungus

Particularly common in the elderly, nail fungus (or onychomycosis) tends to recur. It usually starts from the big toe before infecting the other nails.

1.Toenail Fungus: What Is It?

Onychomycosis is an infection of the nail caused by microscopic fungi. It is either a dermatophyte (Trichophyton rubrum) or a Candida (most often parapsilosis). 

It mainly occurs on the toenails but can also affect those of the hands. It often follows a fungal infection of the feet or hands. 

The diseased nail presents a yellowish spot on an edge which will then expand. Then it thickens, its matrix is then reached and becomes discolored. Ultimately, the nail can go so far as to peel off or even fall off.

2.Natural Nail Fungus Treatments

  • To treat onychomycosis, when the symptoms are not very advanced, there are natural treatments.
  • Olive leaf extract is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. To be taken in capsule form (1 or 2 per day) for a month.
  • Apple cider vinegar has interesting antifungal properties. You can use apple cider vinegar for a daily foot bath: dip your foot in a basin of water to which you have added three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. 
  • Lemon juice: Citric acid has antifungal properties. Take a daily foot bath with a few drops of lemon diluted in a basin of hot water.
  • Baking soda: Take a daily foot bath in a basin of hot water in which you have diluted 2 tablespoons of baking soda.

3. Essential oils against nail fungus

  • The essential oils effective in the fight against nail fungus are
  • Tea tree essential oil, which can be used in children and pregnant women
  •  Linalool thyme essential oil, which can be used in children and pregnant women
  •  Oregano essential oil: which should not be used pure, which should not be used in children under 15 years old or in pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  •  Precautions for use: avoid contact with the eyes. Do a test beforehand in the crook of the elbow to check for allergy.
  •  Essential oils can be applied directly to the affected area. After thoroughly cleaning it, you just need to dilute a few drops in vegetable oil and apply the mixture in local massage.
  •  Danielle Festy, pharmacist and author of The Bible of Essential Oils, Leduc.s offers the following formula to be composed by a pharmacist: 3 ml of officinal lavender essential oil, 3 ml of noble laurel essential oil, 2 ml of 'tea tree essential oil, 2 ml of calophyllum vegetable oil. Apply a few drops of this mixture 2 to 3 times a day on the yeast infection.

 4.Treatment of nail fungus: acting on the body

Mycoses often occur on an organism whose flora is disturbed. A course of probiotics of 1 to 3 months allows to regenerate the intestinal flora, to modify the ground and to reinforce the immune defenses. This is particularly recommended to prevent recurrence.

Grapefruit seed extract can also be used to prevent recurrence. However, because grapefruit is known to cause drug interactions, do not take grapefruit seed extract without medical advice if you are taking treatment. "In all cases of mycosis, I have a course of grapefruit seed extract, an excellent anti-mycosis, for 6 months", confides Nathalie Clément, physiotherapist.




  • To optimize the results of the various treatments and foot baths, be sure to cut your toenails short. 
  • Remember to disinfect the scissors you use to cut your nails.
  • Do not share your towels with those around you.
  • After washing, be sure to dry your feet well, especially between the toes
  • Do not put varnish on an infected nail
  • Choose wool or cotton socks rather than synthetic ones
  • Avoid wearing the same pair of shoes for several days in a row. Ideally, if the season permits, opt for open shoes
  • If you go to the pool, steam room, or use gym locker rooms, wear sandals to protect your feet.